Erb Family Thermography

The Natural Choice

Erb Family Thermography

What Doctors Say About Thermography?

MRI's, X-rays and other scans tell us about body structure and thermography tell us about function of glands, organs and the immune system. So I use thermography with my patients to inform me about where the body is out of balance and what glands and organs need support.

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How Does It Work?

The AlfaSight measures 120 specific points located on the face and torso. Then the body is exposed to cool air. After 10 minutes the same points are re-measured to see how each organ regu- lated under the stress of the cool down. The organs' ability to regulate provides information about the cellular and metabolic function or dysfunction. With AlfaSight, we can see what the body is doing before it becomes dysfunctional. Early detection is important for timely and effective treatment.

Erb Family Thermography
Erb Family Thermography
Erb Family Thermography

What is it Used For?

For Early Detection, To Identify Root Causes of Illness, and To Guide & Monitor

Erb Family Thermography

What Areas Does it Test?

Breasts, Ovaries, Uterus, Heart, Thyroid, Teeth, Lymph, Sinus, Colon, Kidney, Prostate, Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Stomach, Small Intestine & Spinal Column

Erb Family Thermography

How can Toxic Teeth Affect your Health?

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Erb Family Thermography

Before and After

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"I came in to have my thermography done after finding a mass on my right breast. After doing the thermography I found out I had an infected tooth from a previous dental surgery. The infection ended up building up in my right breast and after going to the dentist and fixing the tooth the mass on my breast went away. I'm so grateful I had this done and found the cause of my problem before going to the oncologist and having surgery or chemo & radiation. "

– Joanne O., Arlington, Texas

"For years I was suffering with migraines and couldn't find the cause. I was getting adjusted, eating right and exercising and never understood why I still had migraines. After getting my Thermography done with Dr Erb I was finally able to get to the root of my problem. The thermography showed severe dental toxicity. I don't have any silver fillings in my teeth so I didn't understand the results. However after sitting down with Dr. Kimberly I discovered that I had 4 wisdom teeth pulled years ago that have been infected ever since. I'm so grateful that I had the chance to take this invaluable test and consult with Dr. Kimberly and finally figure out why I have been having migraines."

– Sharon T., Dallas, Texas

"I came in to see Dr Kimberly because I was diagnosed with cancer of my cervix that was stage 1. She recommended that I have a full body thermography done to find out what was going on. After sitting down with her I discovered that I had a severe heart condition I was unaware of and also severe gut bacteria that was lowering my immune system. I was able to get on a detox protocol to heal my gut and also get a follow up with my gynecologist who told me to "keep doing what I am doing" because my cervix was healing. Lastly, I was able to get into see a cardiologist who found out I had a leaky valve that needed to be fixed. I'm so happy I had the thermography done!"

– Marianne S., Irving, Texas

New Patient Paperwork

Request an Appointment

Simply fill out the form below or contact us at 972-556-9595.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why am I tired and overweight? Are my hormones out of balance? Are my breasts healthy?

Indications of intestinal disorders such as food Intolerance, yeast fermentation, etc. or other more subtle imbalances may contribute to a variety of health problems. This health profile prioritizes your weakest organs to assist your health care practitioner design a healthy program for your unique system

Why haven't I heard of this?

Until now, thermograms were done in select doctor's offices.

Do I need a prescription?

No, but the report does have to go to your health care professional-state law.

Who should have this test?

Anyone interested in maintaining good health. We have done this test on men, women & children aged 6 to 95.

What kind of doctors use this testing?

We work with MD's, OBGYN's, DO's, DC's, ND's, Acupuncturists & Dentists.

How long does it take?

The whole test takes approximately 30 minutes. (Appointment times will not be made after 2PM due to body temperature fluctuations). Allow 1 hour for appointment time.

Will my Insurance cover this?

Some insurance companies may reimburse. Thus far, Medicare is not covering this procedure.

How much does it cost?

The total price for the test and full report is $420. We accept cash, checks, MasterCard, or Visa.

How much is a consultation with the Doctor to interpret my test results and get a plan of action?

The total price for the consultation is $75.

The Staff

Dr. David Erb

Dr. David Erb

Dr. Kimberly Erb

Dr. Kimberly Erb

Paulina Henson

Paulina Henson

Bryna Hayth

Bryna Hayth

Giovanna Prather

Giovanna "Govi" Prather

Dorota Konecky

Dorota Konecky

Rebecca Gugeler

Rebecca Gugeler

Shannon Poehler

Shannon Poehler

Erb Family Thermography

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